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How come so much is wrong?

So many words of wisdom, people meditating, attending spiritual retreats, understanding deeply mystical concepts, so many healing techniques, so much shadow work, so much Reiki….trillions of things.

It begs a simple question-How come so much is wrong?

Because all of the above is happening in the mind, in the cerebral sphere that runs parallel to Reality. This parallel reality is essentially full of ignorance. Within this ignorance people learn the waffle of healing, love, care, kindness and speak of great spiritual truths and experiences. Hence its all a gazillion words and nada to show for.

Reality in this playground is what we see around us great confusion. unhappy within their own families…yet people talk of world peace, support this support that, Ukrainian people, Palestinians and so on. Endless causes to fight for. How much confusion is too much? It seems there is no such thing as too much confusion! People don’t seem to notice just how fucked up this whole living from mind is! The more confused people are the more confidently they hold a view, an opinion and also jump in to help other. Blind leading blind!

The family is kaput. What else can come right? The world you live in is in your head the handful in the family are the real world. Right under your nose. Don’t have a decent living harmonious synergy there! Go on a bloody spiritual journey! Utter discord and disconnect within the family and speak fake words about peace, love, joy… etc Blah blah blah

Look around. That’s the consciousness. All kinds of chaos on all levels. disarray, poverty, lack, greed, fake glory….and people believe it is golden age of consciousness expanding. The essence remains crap, despite great spiritual experiences…that’s why!

The very essence transforms with grace. Waffling Wisdom is not a hallmark of any spiritual advancement. Anybody can speak. People do speak eloquently, articulately…yet the essence! And these people are dabbling in energy, transmitting the same ignorance. This stupidity of spirituality is hurting people and the collective.

Do you not bother about the essence? Why would you? What do you know other than learnt spiritual jargon? People need to be real, raw, ablaze with inner fire, abuzz with innate intelligence, radically responsible, genuinely humble, genuinely self-less, in service of Self….that is also an essence that nobody cares about, that will make you more human.

Sub- humanity playing grand play. Everyone in their paper boats, wading through high sea, drowning, dismantling, yet delusional they are getting somewhere, they know something or are somebody, or they can save someone, give them spiritual guidance. Whilst God-Ship is just there. Paper boat in the delusion of being the God-Ship. These paper boat people are the millions of people with such “ amazing Spiritual journeys” chasers of fake glory. Yet the state of this world’s reality tells a different story altogether. How far can you ignore

Rather than being spiritual beings Let’s be just human first. That’s all that is needed. Then humility, love, presence can happen to us. Then the personal glory can be sacrificed to the rightful seat of Glory. I, me mine….can become Thee, Thou, Thine. A real person can have a real relationship with God. It may be flawed but still real.

Fakery is drowning us. Being real and raw is all there is to It.

Then alone the essence purifies


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