21 weeks give you a precious opportunity to be steadfast focused and committed to creating inner space to assimilate and contain the blessings of this meeting. It takes real-time, patience, receptivity and heart-connection for mind to leave behind its immaturity, juvenility and unsettledness
The Satsang is auspicious beyond words and fun once you get going..
It is not for the faint of heart
21-week weekly Satsang exclusively for women
This event is a beautiful first encounter with your essence. Every woman is a synthesis of Tridevi (3 essences). Durga-the fierce energy of clarity, truth strength and victory over evil. Lakshmi-the joys of worldly life with ease and grace and Sarswati-the gentle and nurturing Mother.
A woman must find her Dharma. When she finds it everyone else around her find it easier to find theirs. In many ways, women are the key.
The woman has lost her Dharma and she suffers, society suffers as a result.
The Satsang is aimed at settling and simplifying women so they can express their lives from the perspective of inner wholeness, calmness, and settledness.
Come home to you

This Satsang is for
Women who are bored of fighting all the lack in life
Women who are done with fake ego-boosting spirituality of endless effort of inner work, healing the inner child, inner woman, clearing DNA, addicted to learning wisdom from books etc etc
Women who are done playing healer, therapist, the saviour, the goddess.
Women who are done with the dysfunctionality of their personal lives and of the collective.
Women who struggle on every front, and level yet feel and sense there is a better way to be
Women who feel there is something amiss despite all that they have achieved and accumulated. Feel disconnected and empty
Women who are done seeking praises, accolades, fame, specialness in the world and are now ready to reveal the glory within.
Women who are done with their knowledge, ready to put books down and engage fully with their own being.
Women who are brave enough to take and honour a 'dangerous friend'.
Women who are ripe for the deepest qualities known to humans- devotion, heart madness and surrendering to the unknown

If you are a woman dying to be you, come along! You are warmly welcome to join this life-changing transmission.
If you are ready to be open, vulnerable and receptive, you will receive.
It is a Lila of tough love. Fierce grace. Unlearning undoing, unravelling, falling away of conditioned responses and burning down the dysfunctional effortlessly.
From the ashes of the burnt down, borrowed identity emerges a real woman who is simple, ordinary, a mighty force, a mother, a deeply quenched, immensely settled and fully present to know instinctively how to dance through life in a way that is pleasing to herself and those around her.
A woman living her Dharma is a beacon of love, clarity nurturing to herself and those around her.
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